Serge Bernier, LL.B.

Executive manager associate

Serge Bernier began his career as a lawyer in 1995 and joined forces with lawyer Catherine Fournier in 1998. Being curious and audacious by nature, from the onset of his career, he takes on mandates in several legal fields, thereby gaining a great deal of legal experience and developing particular competencies in court proceedings and representation.

By combining the diverse experiences that he has gained over the years, Serge Bernier is able to approach cases with a global vision and quickly determine multidisciplinary solutions in an imaginative and innovative fashion. Based on his experience, he can predict the impacts of decisions in all legal spheres and provide his clients with strategic advice on a host of issues.

Although he chose several years ago to focus his practice on business law as well as civil and commercial litigation, Me Bernier still occasionally accepts cases in other legal fields, whether as senior counsel or in an advisory or coaching capacity.

In commercial matters, Me Bernier has participated in several major transactions, enabling him to provide his clients with appropriate and rightful advice on the sale of shares in their best interest. He serves a clientele composed of entrepreneurs and business leaders and helps them to improve their fiscal situation, more effectively protect their assets and complete the purchase or sale of a company. Me Bernier regularly works in close collaboration with tax experts, accountants and specialized financiers in order to provide quality services to his clients. Also, he frequently takes part in the development of franchise agreements and communicates with trademark agents.

Serge Bernier also represents litigants and companies in taxation matters, whether before the penal and civil chambers of the Court of Quebec, the Court of Appeal or the Tax Court of Canada.

With respect to municipal affairs, Me Bernier has represented individuals and companies in penal and civil proceedings, whether to apply to have zoning regulations invalidated or challenge decisions rendered by the Commission de l’agriculture. His expertise also extends to the legal framework that applies to municipalities—with respect to both legal and regulatory enforcement and civil liability that may be incurred in the wake of certain political and operational decisions made by a given municipality.

Serge Bernier has also pleaded several bankruptcy and insolvency cases and applied for the receivership of a franchised business.

In civil matters, he is often mandated to seek preliminary and permanent injunctions in order to enforce his clients’ rights.

Serge Bernier possesses a great deal of bargaining experience, namely through his participation in many settlement conferences in civil, family and municipal law cases. He has the necessary experience to negotiate satisfactory settlements on behalf of his clients while avoiding the latter all of the inconveniences of a trial, such as lengthy delays, stress and costs. Serge Bernier is a very efficient advisor and knows how to synthesize and explain in easy-to-understand terms complex legal concepts with the goal of enabling his clients to fully understand the issues at stake in their cases and the different legal nuances involved. He also possesses extensive experience in mediation and arbitration. He is impressively dynamic and highly persuasive and is able to engage people and achieve results that no one would have thought possible.

Serge Bernier is an accomplished athlete and has represented clients in unique cases involving amateur and professional sports. He has also advised professionals in cases involving ethical issues.

During the course of his career, Serge Bernier has worked several criminal cases. He has frequently represented defendants at the motion for release and preliminary investigation stages and has served as an attorney in cases involving wiretapping and murder trials before jury. Me Bernier has also filed numerous applications pursuant to various sections of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Awards received

    • Governor General’s Medal awarded to the Cégep de Drummondville’s graduating student with the best academic results (1991)
    • Certificate of great distinction (Cégep de Drummondville) (1991)
    • Heenan Blaikie scholarship awarded to the student having obtained the highest grades in labour law at Université de Sherbrooke (1994)
    • Award for the best French-speaking litigation lawyers as part of the Gale Cup, contest involving the faculties of law of Canadian universities (Toronto) (1994)
    • Award for the best Canadian thesis as part of the Gale Cup, contest involving the faculties of law of Canadian universities (Toronto) (1994)
    • Merit award of the Arthabaska bar section for engagement with the Quebec Bar Association and involvement in the Drummondville community (2015)

Professional activities and associations

    • President of the Association des Jeunes Juristes de l’Université de Sherbrooke (1994-1995)
    • Representative of the Arthabaska bar section on the private practice committee (1998– 2018)
    • Member of the Quebec Bar Association’s private practice committee (1998-2018)
    • Member of the Club Richelieu (2006-2020)
    • Vice-president of the Club Richelieu de Drummondville (2010)
    • President of the Club Richelieu de Drummondville (2011-2013)
    • Member of the Quebec Bar Association’s disciplinary board (2011–2023)
    • Paralegal lecturer, Collège Ellis de Drummondville (2011-2012)
    • Certified instructor of the Quebec Bar Association (2011–2015)
    • President of Maison Richelieu de Drummondville inc. (2011–2013)
    • Member of the board of directors of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Drummondville (2013-2020)
    • Member of the Table de concertation en matière de développement durable (Centre-du-Québec) (2013-2015)
    • Member of the board of directors of the Club Richelieu International (2013-2014)
    • Member of the Comité de la Francophonie of Richelieu International (2013-2015)
    • Member of the Comité Communication et image de marque of Richelieu International (2013-2015)
    • of the Quebec Bar Association’s private practice committee (2014-2017)
    • Member of the financing committee for Drummondville’s 200th anniversary celebrations (2015-2016)
    • Treasurer of the Fondation du Collège St-Bernard (2015-2016)
    • Member of the board of directors of the Cégep de Drummondville (2016-2020)
    • Vice-president of the Fondation du Collège St-Bernard (2016-2017)
    • Vice-president of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Drummond (2017-2018)
    • Treasurer of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Drummond (2017-2019)
    • First vice-president and treasurer of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Drummond (2018- )
    • President of the Comité de révision du processus d’attribution de la distinction Avocat émérite (Ad. E.) du Barreau du Québec (2018-2019)
    • Personal entrepreneur advisor as part of the Croissance pour entrepreneur course offered by the Cégep de Drummondville (2018- )
    • Member of the Quebec Bar Association’s finance and audit committee (2018-2023)
    • Member of the board of directors of the Quebec Bar Association (2018- )
    • President of the Fondation du Collège Saint-Bernard (2018-2024)
    • Membrer of the Groupe de travail sur la réforme du programme de l’École du Barreau du Québec (2018)
    • Vice-president of the Quebec Bar Association (2019-2023)
    • Membrer of the Groupe de travail sur le bien-être psychologique des avocats du Barreau du Québec (2019-2020)
    • Member of the Groupe de travail sur l’utilisation des sommes du Fonds d’études juridiques du Barreau du Québec (2019-2020)